DesignJet Repair Gateshead, Newcastle - Z5400

Back up to Newcastle, well Gateshead to be exact, a DesignJet Z5400 in need of some TLC. Funny I have another DesignJet Z5400 to do after this call in Kendal. East cost to west cost going to be busy, but fun day.

This machine is failing to install the printheads. It gets so far than fails with “Printhead Installation Incomplete”. Poor customer was tearing her hair out, printouts to do for her customers and a broken Graphics DesignJet.

DesignJet Z5400

This problem is quite common for Z series (graphics) DesignJet’s. Due to the way they prime their printheads from new. Yes, they do develop actual hardware faults that cause this issue, however there are also certain things the user can do to help with the priming of the printheads.

The main one being always ensure the inks cartridges are at least half full. This is particularly important for the DesignJet T920 platform.

I digress, the plotter had not been service for a few years and therefore needed some care. This would have been done as part of our company’s “Total Care Solution” policy anyway. However, sometime all a DesignJet needs is a good service.

One thing about the functionality of a HP Plotter is the aerosol. This is the unused ink that floats around as the DesignJet is printing. Its settles on the chassis and the sensors, the rails – in fact anywhere it can find a home. There is nothing to prevent it. Some plotters have aerosol fans to reduce the effect, but not all. Its just an occupational hazard of being a DesignJet.

Allis not lost – a good service and clean usually resolves a whole “zoo” of niggly problems. That said, the ink used in a graphics machine is a lot “stickier” than a CAD machine and requires bit more elbow grease to remove, as well as a good alcohol based cleaning solution. Carried out a full service and clean to the entire machine. (well, transferred most of the aerosol contamination onto my shirt that is). Reinstalled the ink system – cartridges and printheads and let it do its thing.

That is when the problem started – MK/C printhead (matte Black/Cyan) would not seat. The plotter was constantly asking for the printhead to be re-seated. Tried everything to no avail. Eventually replaced the printhead form the customers stock (we do not carry consumable such as printheads and ink cartridges).

The Plotter set off on its installation routine and voila, 35 minutes later completed and aligned the printheads.

DesignJet Repair Gateshead - Z5400

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